COVID-19 (Corona virus) travel updates for Spain
Stay updated with all the latest news in ENGLISHThere is allot of information and “fake news” regarding the virus in Spain. Here we give you the updates to help you plan your trip to Spain.
Firstly we recommend that you only get the news from reliable sources such as the Spanish government, here is a link to their website.
The website is in Spanish but you can easily translate with a online translator. However there is allot of information there so it can be hard to get the exact info you need. If you looking for some content in English you can visit the webpage of the national newspaper in Spain “El Pais” that sahre regular updates. Here is a link to access their website.
If your reading this then it’s likely you have already a holiday or cruise booked in Spain. The current sitaution is that the government is taking a step by step approach to the de-escalation of the “State of emergency”. At the moment its very difficult to predict what will happen in the next weeks or months as the situation is changing daily.

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